How to Uninstall Avast Secure Web browser

If you want to uninstall Avast Secure Internet browser, the first thing you must do is get the Windows application manager. To achieve this, press the Windows key element and type “remove”. Once you have found the software, select this and then what is action. This permits you to eliminate the program entirely.

The next step is to end Avast Safeguarded Browser out of automatically starting. This can be carried out through the Boat dock, Options, and Login displays. Then, makes use of the removal tool to remove the browser from the computer and delete every one of its remaining files. Ensure you have administrator benefits to finished this step. Once the browser was completely eliminated, restart your computer.

When the uninstallation is complete, you may use the Rebuild Point feature to restore your system into a previous state. To bring back your system to its unique state, you will have to delete pretty much all leftover documents and registry keys linked to Avast Safeguarded Browser. This will save you period later on.

When you have had issues uninstalling Avast Secure Internet browser, you can try to manually take it off. However , this method may require advanced computer skills which is not recommended meant for beginners. They have far better perform automated uninstallation whenever possible. Alternatively, you may uninstall Avast Secure Internet browser by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting “Programs and Features. inches Once you have uninstalled the program, reboot your computer and you should no longer require the program.

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